Bulwark. - ( Combined Ops. Assault Ship ). - 8 Photo's.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

Sailing on 10 09 2004 for her first round of F.O.S.T. trials.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

I've tried to be "clever" here and "stitched" together several shots to make one long one. ( 18th June 2005 )

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

photo 8 above courtesy of Mr. Peter Ford.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

Below is a short "Video Clip" of her crossing Plymouth Sound, and entering Devonport Narrows, with "Tug assistance" on April 26th 2013,
For those who can remember, I have used Rod Stewarts evocative song "Sailing" as a backing track on this clip.
This is to try and recall the BBC documentary of the same name, showing HMS Ark Royal on her last commission in the late 1970's.
The music still works !!


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